Annual Members Meeting: 2023 Meeting Minutes

August 4-14, 2023


Hawai`i Concert Society

Minutes of the 2023 Annual Meeting

August 4-14, 2023

The annual meeting was held online. Members who attended it did so by viewing the annual meeting pages at  Members were supplied a password on postcards to allow them to access the meeting pages and to vote. At the time of the annual meeting, the total membership (from 2022-2023 and 2023-2024) was 120.

The meeting pages contained a document of welcome from President Tom Geballe, the minutes of the 2022 annual meeting, the treasurer’s report for the financial year that ended on June 30, 2023, the list of nominees for the board for the 2023-2024 season (see below), a summary of the current status of the 2023-24 concert season, and election pages enabling online voting.

A total of 29 members voted, which constituted a quorum. Both the treasurer’s report and the slate of board members passed unanimously. The minutes of the previous membership meeting were approved 27-0 with 2 abstentions.

The 2023-2024 season has been mostly finalized and provisionally consists of eight public concerts: Verona String Quartet on September 26, “An Americal Dream” performed by Hawaii Opera Theatre on October 20, pianist Mahani Teave (from Rapa Nui) on November 8, Spanish Brass on January 8, violinist Midori on January 22, Trio con Brio Copenhagen on February 15, pianist Anna Geniushene on March 5, and Cavatina Duo (flute & guitar) on May 15.

The online portal was closed and the meeting effectively ended on August 14, 2023.

       NOMINEES FOR HCS 2023-2024 BOARD

                 (elected at the Annual Meeting)

President/Publicity/Programs  Tom Geballe       

1st Vice President         Bo Reipurth        

2nd Vice President                  Judy Wakely              

Secretary                                 Nina Buchanan

Treasurer                     Tom Schager    

       Box Office Manager                 Zeke Israel     

Membership                Jeff Davis      

                Tickets     Alan Young             

Hospitality/Programs               Debra Ota                  

Webmaster               Eric Takasugi           

Historian                  Elisabeth Erker         

House                      Jacqueline van Loon  

                 Education                Cynthia Debus             

Box Office/PublicityPat Tummons   

At Large                                   Suzanne Frayser   

                At Large                 Kaori Mahelona         

                At Large                                   Kenith Simmons
